Costs and reimbursements
The mental health professionals in our practice have decided not to conclude contracts with health care insurers in 2024. Our therapists can therefore focus more on the individual needs of you as a client.
In 2024, insured persons with a basic health insurance policy from a Dutch insurer will be entitled to a package put together by the government with statutory reimbursements for, among other things, treatments in mental health care (GGz). The tariffs we charge for treatment corresponds to the current Wmg tariffs, determined by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa).
However, health insurers have unfortunately been authorized by government to reduce the amount of this statutory reimbursement. Many Dutch insurance companies choose to only reimburse a percentage of what they call, for example, the average contracted tariff. In some cases, it may mean that you as a client have to pay almost half of the treatment costs yourself. In short, depending on what a health insurer states in its (policy) conditions, treatment costs will be reimbursed.
Your health insurer will only reimburse your treatment costs if you can show a valid referral at the time of registration.
Some health insurers also require you to request prior authorization if you want to claim your treatment costs from a non-contracted mental health institution. You must submit an authorization to your health insurer immediately after completing the intake procedure. We cannot state with certainty that your health insurer will in all cases grant permission for long-term mental health treatment at our institution.
Under the Dutch Care Performance Model (Zorgprestatiemodel), the costs of mental health treatment are accrued solely through the consultations you have with health care providers. This could include, for example, an intake interview, a treatment session or an evaluation. You will not receive an invoice for each completed treatment process, but – with some regularity – during the treatment you follow. The invoice lists the consultations you had with our professionals in the relevant period.
Pay attention! You are responsible for financing your treatment yourself. This also includes intake interviews and psychodiagnostic research. When you register, you will be asked to check with your health insurer what the reimbursement is for the mental health treatment that you want to receive through our practice. The intake procedure can only be started once you have informed us about the amount of your reimbursement.
Statutory mandatory excess
Whatever reimbursement you receive for our care, this is always after settlement with your statutory mandatory excess. You must pay your statutory mandatory excess annually if you have not already spent this amount on other health care in the same calendar year. The minimum statutory mandatory excess for 2024 has been set at €385.
General basic mental health care (gb-GGz)
In general basic mental health care, the care intensity is characterized on the basis of the referral letter, intake interviews, HoNOS+ questionnaire and the scoring scheme from the Care Performance Model. Under the Care Performance Model, there is one form of financing with one set of rules and performance. The services provided can be found in the form of consultation tariffs on the care invoice. Further information about care invoices can be found in our client brochure.
Specialist mental health care (g-GGz)
In specialist mental health care, the care intensity is characterized on the basis of the referral letter, intake interviews, HoNOS+ questionnaire, the scoring scheme from the Care Performance Model and psychodiagnostic research (MMPI). Under the Care Performance Model, there is one form of financing with one set of rules and performance. The services provided can be found in the form of consultation tariffs on the care invoice. A full intake into specialist mental health care (GGz) costs approximately €2,000 (2024). Further information about care invoices can be found in our client brochure.
Tariff decision of the NZa
The rates as stated in the Tariff Decision of the Dutch Health care Authority (NZa) are used as our standard price list. For the maximum Wmg tariffs for services (consultations) for 2023, download the attachment via GGz Tariff Decision 23b – 2023. For 2024, these tariffs of the NZa can be found as an attachment to GGz Tariff Decision TB/REG-24627-02.
First contact your health insurer
To avoid unexpected costs later, we urgently recommend that you always ask your health insurer in for the exact conditions and reimbursement before you start the intake process at our practice.
Please provide the following information to your health insurer:
- This concerns Mental Health Care (GGz).
- Completed at a certified mental health institution, AGB 22227545, qualification 2270 Independent Treatment Centers (EMS) with an approved quality statute, without contracts with health insurers
- The diagnosis for which I am being treated is based on the DSM main diagnosis groups and on the developing care demand characterization from the Care Performance Model
- For the treatment costs (consultation rates), the legally established Wmg-tariffs as stated in the current NZa Tariff Decision are used*
- Will you as health insurer fully reimburse the costs of my mental health treatment based on the above information? Or are there any other conditions that may apply?
*Pay attention! If the health insurer mentions “a maximum of the market tariff”, this means a reimbursement up to a maximum of the statutory Wmg tariff, the tariff (NZa) that we use
Check the reimbursements and conditions of your health insurer every year
Every year on 12 November, health insurers must have published information about their basic health policies and prizes and conditions for the coming year on their website. Since these can change annually, we advise you to conduct a comparative study among health insurers and there insurances annually from the second half of November.
Changing health insurance
From 12 November, you can change health insurance once a year. We recommend that you avail a real restitution policy as basic health insurance, because in addition to full reimbursement of healthcare costs, you are also free to choose your own health care provider. Although a reimbursement policy costs slightly more in terms of premium than an in-kind policy, you will usually be reimbursed much more. Pay attention! You can cancel your health insurance with your current health insurer till 31 December. From 1 January, that is no longer possible!
No-show rate if you do not cancel in time
Every therapy requires an effort by both the therapist and the client. Regularity in following therapy is very important for its effectiveness. The frequency of treatment sessions is predetermined to ensure the desired progress. Cancelling an appointment too easy, even done timeously, is undesirable from a therapeutic point of view, because you miss an opportunity to make progress.
You are required to cancel at least two working days or 48 hours in advance (excluding weekends), You can only cancel your appointment by email to or via your therapist’s email.
In the event of a diagnostic consultation (during the intake procedure, at pre-, interval and post-measurements) a no-show fee of €140 applies, if the diagnostic consultation still takes place within four weeks. Otherwise, a no-show fee of €220 will be charged.
For treatment consultations, a no-show rate of €110 applies if clients do not show up for a session without having canceled in time.
Costs associated with a no-show are not reimbursed by the health insurer.
Request a copy of the medical file
A request for the retrieval of your medical file will processed immediately and, depending on the size or complexity, delivered to you within two weeks at the latest. There are no costs associated with requesting a first copy of your medical file. You will be charged €0.23 per page as a reimbursement of costs for the provision of multiple copies of medical records data. A maximum of €22.50 applies per copy request. A requested paper copy of your medical file can only be collected by you personally at the practice (secretariat).